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Put yourself in the user’s place as a brand to find real testimonies that reflect, despite the circumstances, that the crisis also has positive aspects.


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Physical exercise increased 88% globally during confinement *.
Google searches for recipes increased more than 100% **.


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We ask a real family to tell us about the new good habits acquired during confinement. Through a landing and a social media contest, we encourage other families to share theirs to star in the next Flora campaign.

Web: https://lasnuevasbuenascostumbres.com/


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[stat label=”Participation” data=”844 users”]

[stat label=”Post views” data=”+2.5M”]

[stat label=”Impressions” data=”+3.7M”]

[stat label=”Organic impresiones” data=”+900K”]


And moreover, a lot of new good habits that we hope won’t be lost.


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